The Four Wheels On The Super Highway To The Self

The Four Wheels On The Super Highway To The Self

1. Accepting myself
2. Being me
3. Letting myself go
4. Overcoming Fear of No Me

That is,

1. Learn to Accept Yourself.
Once that is done then,
2. Walk around as the true you with no pretenses.
That is Be You.
But then you realise that you are still separate from everyone else. So,
3. Learn to Let Yourself Go.
Meaning to drop the need to have an identity. It doesn’t matter whether people recognise you as somebody or not. But
4. Once you learn to drop that, then you suddenly wake up to the reality that you are a Nobody. That is scary.
So learn to Overcome the Fear of No You.

Accepting Myself

We all have our flaws in one area or the other. Learning to accept that within our mind is the real journey. Take help from anyone that comes on the way. Spouse, friend, stranger, anyone.
If we are on a serious spiritual or a self development journey, then it is important to develop the ability to listen to criticism without retorting back or trying to prove our side of the story. For many of us this is the greatest stumbling block.
Let us put our heart and soul in learning to listen. Even if it is to our spouse!!! 😉 Go Love Yourself.

Being me.

When you are you, you don’t have to be worried about the society. How society will look at you or what someone will think of you. No pretences and no masks to wear.
That doesn’t mean you become anti social. It means you become not affected by the society. It means you will learn to value yourself so much that how you feel about yourself will become priority.
We are emotional beings. We emote moment to moment. There are no moments when we are without emotions. That is our nature. We try to be socially acceptable by being polite when we are seething with anger or keep an unemotional face when we feel nourished by someone’s presence.
Why? What prevents you from being you? You need to figure out what kind of fear pulls you back. Is it your desire to look good in front of others that makes you cover your true nature? May be because you want to be seen to be conforming to the society?

Being you is the most beautiful and interesting thing to do.
Go Be You.

Let Go of Yourself

Being on a serious spiritual journey, you need to answer these questions to yourself.

What is it that you are looking for?
Where do you want to go?
What do you want to achieve?
Do you just want a little peaceful heart or
Do you want to find out who you really are?
What is your stake in your inner journey?
How committed are you?
How far are you willing to go?

We talk about
Annihilating ego,
Loosing oneself,
Merging with God or Universe,
Becoming one with it and the like.
All this practically means loosing one’s individual identity. An identity carefully crafted in the society, through the society. Without this social, physical, material world identity, we will feel lost.

Plunging head on into the waters of inner journey means dropping that identity, dropping the fetters of the physical world.
That is the only way.
How deep do you want to go, or are willing to go?
That much you have to let yourself go.
That is the way.
That is they only way.
Go for it.
Go, Let Yourself Go!

Overcoming the Fear of No Me!
That is the Fourth wheel on your journey to the Self. Albeit the most important one!
Letting myself go completely. Then there is No Me.
This probably is the paradox. We want to merge with the Universe. But we want to keep our individuality intact!
Somewhere heart says let go. But the mind says, ‘Hey! Be careful. You might lose yourself. There may not be any You anymore.’ But the truth is you become wholesome. You become complete. You become complete when you let go of you completely.

In any case the You is a construct. A social construct. Not a spiritual one. Spiritual is the Self. So when you let go of the You, the Self comes out. Comes out of the shadow of the socially constructed You, the unreal.
So what is there to be fearful of, or to be scared of?
Go for it. You will be more free. More relaxed. More vibrant. More lively.
Let Go of the Fear.
Go for Light.
Go for You.

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