Our Philosophy
- Aham Brahmasmi – I Am The Supreme Consciousness
- Ahimsa – Non-Violence
- Satya – Truth
- Samarpan– Spiritual Surrender
- Sakshi Bhav – Witness Mode
- Santosha – Contentment
- Svadhyaya – Self Study
- Satsanga – Good Company
- Sat-Chit-Ananda – Truth-Consciousness-Bliss
What We Do

Temple Of Inner Wisdom

Temple Yogashala is a yogic space for practicing, sharing, and spreading the ancient techniques of Hatha Yoga, a medium through which one can direct the energies of the human body and understand its working dynamics.
Samskrta Sangha
Samskrta Sangha is the community of Sanskrit language lovers at the Temple of Inner Wisdom. It is a platform to develop the natural urge to delve into and absorb the beautiful works of ancient Indian tradition especially in the field of Spiritual Wisdom.
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26 Feb
Wisdom Boosters By Master Minood
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SEVA is an expression of compassion, of the desire to uplift and assist others; Selfless actions for collective upliftment.
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