Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima Celebrations

“तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया ।
उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्त्वदर्शिन ।।”

— Bhagavad Gita

Guru Purnima, celebrated on the Full Moon day in the month of July-August is the most auspicious time to celebrate this mystical phenomenon, the Guru-disciple bond. To celebrate the divine in the the Guru, to be in gratitude towards him, to acknowledge the unconditional love and grace being bestowed by the Guru, we celebrate Guru Purnima.

All Templeites rejoice and celebrate the love and grace of Master Minood and express gratitude in various ways. Shishyas visit the Ashram at Thiruvananthapuram to be with their Guru and be part of the Gurupurnima  Yatra wherein they visit   Maruthwamalai Hills and Vivekananda Rock Memorial at  Kanyakumari with Master.

It’s a sacred time where the bond between the guru and shishya deepens.


Jul 03 2024
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