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Mahashivratri – Celebrating The Highest Power Of Existence

Mahashivratri – Celebrating The Highest Power Of Existence

Brahm Muhurta Talk MAHASHIVRATRI ‘22

A Very Happy Mahashivratri to all of you. Let us celebrate by meeting US – Meeting our own true Self. And we all know that will happen only when we sit with ourselves.

That is the mantra of Temple of Inner Wisdom. Being with our own self and being in meditation.

Today ushers in a new spiritual period for each one, Starting now, this year, it is time for each of you to decide what is it that you want to achieve and reach in your pure spiritual goal. So, what you do right now, you should continue for the rest of your life or at least start 41 day period in which you would do whatever is coming to you right now.

Every celebration is there to help us move deeper and today is special because it is MAHASHIVRATRI. But let everyday be a Mahashivratri for you. Let that be the Mantra for you.

We are all spiritual beings,having a physical life trying to understand physicality and trying to master physicality, right ? As human beings, we have been given the faculty of discrimination, to discriminate between right and wrong between good and bad but from a spiritual perspective, right and wrong / good and bad are all very relative, very subjective, based on where we are in our understanding of life.

Based on the number of lifetimes we would have taken, we have certain understanding. Each one of us sitting here has an understanding about the world and the environment and the people and the kind of life that are coming towards us. And my right maybe somebody else’s wrong.

It is all based on where we stand in life. But at the same time, wherever you are, at that space, there is a right and wrong for us, right?

Because we have grown through many lifetimes and we have acquired certain understanding. And in that understanding we are alive and living. So it is important for us to use that understanding for betterment of our own growth. That is Viveka or Discrimimation.

Discriminating when things come to us – what is right for my inner growth and what is not so good for my inner growth.

Generally we discriminate, use discrimination when some physical things come and mostly we fall prey to what our mind tells us. Our mind would want to have certain things in our life.

Mind rules us, but you’re not the mind. You are the ATMA, the Soul. And you are here for your own inner spiritual growth. Anything you do, whatever you do, is for your own spiritual growth.

So it gives you a lot of responsibility, to help you grow spiritually from the soul perspective not from the mind’s perspective.

Soul is at a space where only the highest truth resides, we are all on a journey to that spot.

So it is important and imperative for us to decide moment to moment, whenever something comes to us, to choose wisely what will help us in our inner journey.

So when do these opportunities come? Once in a while? No. . It comes moment to moment, in our households, in our day to day affair, in our office, in our relationships.

Whatever comes to us is pregnant with an opportunity for us to decide where we want to grow where we want to go and to which direction we want to grow.

And that is decided by your ability to discriminate.

So discrimination has to encompass everything that you do.

  • It has to be part of your business decisions.
  • It has to be part of family decisions, but more importantly.
  • It has to be part of your everyday normal day to day decisions.

Like what kind of food do you eat? What is good for you? What kind of things do you consume? Does it help your body and mind or does it hamper your inner growth ?

That is Discrimination.

So anything and everything that comes to us is coming to us for a reason, for giving us an opportunity to grow within.

Let this Mahashivratri be the point from which you would take a deeper look at what kind of decision you are making. Is your discrimination based on your soul’s growth, or are you prone to fall prey to the mind’s desire ?

On that note let us start ushering the Shivratri.

May each one of you grow deeper and deeper in your spiritual journey.

~Master Minood