“You are Not the Physical Body!
You are a Soul, an Atman, and a God.
Experiencing Life in a Vehicle
Called the Physical Body!
The only journey that you need to perform is
To learn to call yourself GOD”
-Master Minood
Aham Brahmashmi
“Aham Brahmasmi” means, I am Brahman. I am God.
This grand Mahãvãkya from the Vedas, is the basic foundation and the pinnacle of any spiritual aspirant.
Ahimsa - Non-violence
Ahimsa at its core relates to non-violence at physical, mental and emotional levels. Ahimsa must become second nature.
Our way of expression through Thoughts, Speech and Action, must align at every moment.
Our way of expression through Thoughts, Speech and Action, must align at every moment.
Satya - Truth
Embracing Truth is not just a philosophy but practically a way of Life.
Truthfulness encompasses Genuineness and Integrity.
The Light we exude depends on the extent of Truth we embody.
Truthfulness encompasses Genuineness and Integrity.
The Light we exude depends on the extent of Truth we embody.
Samarpan - Spiritual Surrender
“Living a life that moves from moment to moment With absolutely no expectation,
Knowing everything you need is provided for and Will be yours at the exact time it’s required.
Trust based on knowingness is the key word in life.”
Knowing everything you need is provided for and Will be yours at the exact time it’s required.
Trust based on knowingness is the key word in life.”
~ Master Minood
Sakshi Bhav - Witness Mode
It entails being a witness to all thoughts, emotions, fears, likes, dislikes that arise in the Mind.
This naturally moves us to contemplation and a heightened state of overall awareness.
This naturally moves us to contemplation and a heightened state of overall awareness.
Santosha - Contentment
Santosha is paramount for peace and happiness.
Happiness begets Happiness!
Happiness begets Happiness!
Svadhyaya - Self Study
Incorporating study of valuable works of spiritual wisdom keeps one motivated and inspired.
Svadhyaya also means -The Study of the Self!
Satsanga - Good Company
We are influenced by the kind of people we choose to surround ourselves with.
Satsang with souls of higher vibrational frequency is an important component in a seeker’s journey.
Satsang with souls of higher vibrational frequency is an important component in a seeker’s journey.
Sat-Chit-Ananda - Truth-Consciousness-Bliss
“Loving oneself completely
Accepting oneself completely
Acknowledging oneself completely
Is the Journey!”