Mahakumbh accommodation extended till 5th March 2025

Never Complain

Never Complain

Never complain.

If we complain about anybody or anything then we are ignorant.

We create our reality. Not some of it. But all of it.

The World is a mirror. It reflects our inner energy.
The frequency of energy that we tune into is what we tap into.
If we emit energy of love, love is what we get.
If we emit energy of anger, anger is reflected back.
When we send out doubt, doubt comes back.

That means what we see and experience is a reflection of Our energy, whether positive or negative.

When we experience good things, we become happy.

When we experience not so good things we become unhappy.

When we become unhappy, many a times,

We complain about other people and situations.

Never complain.

When we complain about anyone or any situation,

We are actually refusing to accept the situation or the people as our reflection.

It is out of our lack of understanding of the Universal laws of personal reality.

Each person or situation is teaching us something about us.

Never complain! Let us watch ourselves.