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Atma Jyoti Diwas

What is Atma Jyoti Divas?

‘Atma Jyoti’ is Light of the Soul and ‘Divas’ is Day.

Atma Jyoti Divas is a day for acknowledging and honouring the Divine Atma (Soul) in oneself and in every other person we meet and interact with.
It is a day for acknowledging and honouring the Divine Mother, the Shakti, in every Woman we know and meet.
And it is a day for acknowledging and honouring the Divinity of Nature, and committing to Ahimsa (Non-violence) towards all beings on earth.

Atma Jyoti Divas is a celebration of the Divinity residing in everything within and without us.

Atma Jyoti Divas is celebrated on the 9th of October, the birth date of Master Minood. 50 vows given by Master Minood and set as guidelines, give us an opportunity to look deep within us, and stand us in good stead in our spiritual evolution.

What is the reason for doing this?

Once we embark on an inner journey, the ultimate goal is to realise the Self within.

Although each one of us starts the journey for different reasons and for different purposes, ultimately we strive to become One with all that is.

For this we must dissolve our ego and no longer consider ourselves separate from others.

This requires acts of Spiritual Valour.
Recognising and accepting that we are the Divine Atma residing in a vehicle called the physical body, we must strive to recognise the same Divine Atma that resides in others, even if we are in disagreement with them over some matters, or if we find we cannot understand and accept their behaviour.
This is of critical importance is today’s time, where there is increasing intolerance and lack of respect for the other at religious, political, social and cultural levels.

Doing this with each person you meet at an individual level, we can effect a change in the behaviour and attitude of mankind.

How will it benefit us? What can we gain from it?

By verbally taking the vows and pledging to follow up on them on Atma Jyoti Divas is affirming to oneself that yes, I am here to spread the light of the Atma, I am here to become a living embodiment of that Divine Parabhahman that resides witihin me and within all others as well. It is reminding ourself of our desire to merge with the Divine, and renewing the efforts to make for the same.
When we say it to ourselves out loud and in front of others, it is more deeply absorbed and has greater importance.

How do we pledge to do this? And what has to be done?

We take a verbal pledge to recognise and honour the divinity in ourselves and others, or a pledge that literally renews our spiritual vows we make to ourselves. It can even be to a pledge to forgive everyone who has hurt us or to let go of resentments, to respect women and elders, small children and poor, to participate in cleaning up our cities and country. Doing this automatically strengthens our inner resolve and with increased awareness we can consciously acknowledge the divine Atma within our self and others, while talking with others, while meditating, while praying, even in the midst of an argument.
We can write it down on paper to deepen the commitment within ourselves and carry through our resolve.
Saying it aloud to another person, pledging it on Atma Jyoti Divas makes it deeper ingrained in our psyche, leading to more dedicated efforts and ultimately acceleration of one’s spiritual growth.

Come, take a pledge to awaken / Illumine the soul – the ‘Atma Jyoti’!

What are these vows?


  1. ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ I acknowledge my Divinity and in every other.
  2. I honour the Divine Feminine, the Mother, as ‘the Shakti’, in every woman.
  3. (For Woman) I honour the presence of Divine in the form of the Mother, the Shakti, operating through me, thus pledge to be compassionate to all.
  4. Every person, event and situation is telling me something about me and not about them, I wow to take complete ownership of it. Rather than playing the blame game on others, I would introspect on myself and always work on my short comings.
  5. I will keep calm and never get angry.
  6. I will always speak the truth.
  7. I will meditate daily for one hour.
  8. A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. I will touch a new soul every week by empowering it with Meditation.
  9. I will live for the ultimate purpose of human life, to realise oneself as a Buddha, a Christ, a Krishna, a Nanak, a perfected human being, a being who emits the soul power and spreads light.
  10. With great power comes greater responsibility, I will never be carried away by power and pleasures of the world.
  11. I will not be enticed by the gilt and glamour of the world.
  12. I will walk the path of surrender in my daily life.
  13. I will not judge anyone from their past deeds or my past experiences, and will look at everyone each day fresh.
  14. I will love myself and accept my self as I am, leaving no space for guilt.
  15. Every time I feel trapped in a situation, I will go through the opportunity that the Universe has given me to understand it, experience it and release it with Awareness and not complain about the situation.
  16. I will master the act of dropping the desire to promote my identity in each situation and instead will work towards the growth of the soul, mine and others.
  17. I will take up Meditation as Medication to cure my illness.
  18. I will live one day in a week just for my own presence as a celebration.
  19. I will not confront with anyone and silently introspect upon myself to understand the situation.
  20. I will find a balance between my Spiritual and Material life.
  21. I will hear each word as I speak, Sakshi Bhav, or Witness mode so as to help myself move into Soul consciousness.
  22. I will observes my feeling and emotions in response to my daily events to inculcate Sakshi Bhav or Witness mode.
  23. I will follow Equanimity: Complete Attachment and Complete Detachment.
  24.  I will Let go of being a controller of events and situations in life.
  25. I will not sit with any one to gossip, and would rather leave such situations every time it arises.
  26. I will accept the world as my Mirror and work upon myself and be that change in the world for there is no one else out there in the other but me.
  27. I will feel and see sacredness in everything around, living or non-living.
  28. Rather than using adjectives and finding faults in my spouse, I will rather work upon what needs to be done in bringing love to the situation.
  29. I will never throw emotional poison towards anyone specially my loved ones.
  30. I will let go of all my fears and trust the Universe to always guide me through the path of love.
  31. I forgive everyone against whom I hold grudge, for what ever be the reason. I then forgive myself for all the pain and sufferings I put myself into. I will make peace with all.
  32. I will do one hour of spiritual book reading daily.
  33. I will ask for what I want and not complain about what I have or I receive.
  34. I will give my best and be in acceptance of the result for I know I did my best.
  35. I will trust and follow my Intuitions.
  36. I will not compare or compete upon my material or spiritual journey with anyone rather be inspired by others.
  37. Now is all I have to live, moment to moment, accepting and living life as it comes with the flow.
  38. I will be in gratitude to everyone in my life, accepting everyone as my teacher.
  39. I will do Yoga and Pranayama daily.
  40. I will be humble towards everyone.
  41. I will become a vegetarian
  42. I will quit smoking/Alcohol and will take care of my body. Only then can I finish my life’s purpose.
  43. I will be a Satvik Vegetarian.
  44. I will accept all the short comings I see in my spouse and give my best to keep him/her happy at all times, working towards union of Masculine and Feminine, Shiv and Shakti.
  45. I will give time to my family and myself even if it means to change my job.
  46. I will develop passion for self inquiry.
  47. I know dreams are the engines of growth, both for material and spiritual. I will manifest each and every dream of mine.
  48. I will be inspired and will Inspire others on the self journey, rather than trying to compete with others.
  49. I will always watch my thoughts and behaviour.
  50. I will make myself happy and operate from my heart always. I will do something for myself today.

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Oct 09 2025
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