SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE of Seva or Selfless Action

A willingness to selflessly share what we have, to help or uplift others, is called SEVA.
SEVA is the key ingredient for Inner Purification.
‘Giving’ is extremely essential for Spiritual growth.
The way to rise above Tamoguna ( Ignorance) is Rajoguna (Activity).
A selfless activity, devoid of any vested interest, that benefits others, gives rise to Satvaguna (Purity and Bliss).
Increase in Sattva or Inner Purity, improves the quality of Meditation.
Deeper Meditation silences the Mind leading to Inner Tranquility and Bliss
Some of the areas you can volunteer
- Teaching Meditation
- Teaching Yoga
- Teaching Sanskrit
- Hosting Temple WebEX meetings
- Graphic Designing
- Content Writing (English)
- Content Editing (English)
- Blog Content Compiling
- Video Editing
- Social Media Postings
- Translating English to Hindi
Your actions can inspire so many. If you are keen to contribute in any way, do let us know your interest by connecting with :
Archana @ 91677 88442 | Seema @ 99533 95031